Our journey at Black Dog Media Lab is fueled by an unbridled passion for digital marketing, content creation, travel, and adventure. Starting as a small Father/Son duo trading in Toyota Land Cruisers, we found our path evolving into the realms of digital marketing and media production.

The adventure truly began with CARTEL DEL CAFE, our coffee and media company established in 2012 in Downtown LA. Our South American quests for unique Land Cruisers and coffee ignited a love for adventure, which now powers our brand's ethos.

Beyond the thrill of adventure, we're deeply rooted in digital marketing. With expertise in AI-driven campaigns, targeted social media advertising, and PPC, we've honed our skills in digital storytelling and audience engagement. Our in-house suite of marketing tools offers a tailored approach to amplify your brand's online presence.

Are you ready to take your business on a digital marketing adventure? Book your free Strategy session with us, and together, we'll chart the course for your brand's dynamic digital future.